New Year Greetings to the People of Europe
Mr. Jacques CHIRAC President of France

    As we begin this New Year, it is a great pleasure for me to present to each of you, in every country of the European Union, my personal greetings and those of France. I am delighted to be doing this via the Internet, which creates a direct link between us and greatly enhances our opportunities for dialogue and for sharing our thoughts.

    Europe is our common undertaking. It is what we make of it. Together, fortified by the diversity of our histories and cultures, we can continue to advance in our pursuit of this unique project, for peace, democracy and human progress. France is wholeheartedly committed to this, and I shall continue to work towards achieving our ambitions for Europe, on behalf of all French men and women.

    Reconciliation between the peoples of Europe has put an end to the fratricidal conflicts that for so long ravaged and enfeebled our continent. We must go on working to ensure that the ideal of peace as embodied in the construction of Europe continues to prevail over our ancient rivalries.

    In a world where oppression, divisive forces, and the urge to exclude are still so present, Europe stands for democracy, freedom, tolerance and respect for others. It is up to every one of us to defend and uphold these humanist values, which are the pride of European civilisation.

    Wherever we are, Europe unites our destinies, creating bonds of solidarity and driving economic progress. I hope 2006 will confirm the impressive achievements of the new Member States, their dynamism amplified by the support of all. We must do everything in our power to consolidate our position as the continent of knowledge, scientific excellence and the spirit of enterprise, for that is what will guarantee our place in the world, our jobs, our children’s future. That is our identity.

    Finally, Europe embodies concern for individual dignity, a refusal to exclude others, and the fight against unemployment. Too many of our citizens are the victims of poverty, beset by precariousness. We must work to build a genuinely social Europe in which the fruits of progress are shared out equitably, for the benefit of all.

    May 2006 be a great year of progress for Europe. It is in this spirit, through true dialogue involving all Europeans, that we can tackle the question of our institutions. Europe has always progressed by overcoming the difficulties it has faced. We will succeed yet again, all of us together. For we are all aware of the gains Europe brings us; for we are proud to be citizens of Europe and to embody together a collective desire that unites and exalts us.

    To each and every one of you, to all the member countries of the European Union, I send my warmest and most sincere greetings; and I wish you all a Happy New Year.


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